Doing it for the plot
I need to figure out what to do when I’m bored because downloading dating apps ain’t it. I downloaded Hinge because I was curious to see what kind of folks will show up around the area I’m moving to. (This is when curiosity definitely kills the cat - isn’t that the saying?) And wowza. Beautiful humans. Like absolutely beautiful. Now mind you they could be walking red flags but the physical attraction is there and that’s exciting. And yes, I know, pictures can be total lies. Lol. Let me be a Pisces and dream okay?
Anyway, not only was I witnessing beautiful ass humans, I was also matching with them. And the rush? The excitement? It’s nice to know I can still feel it. Then, the talking started and I quickly realized, I actually don’t want to go back and forth with texting. I don’t want to make time nor do I have the energy to talk to different people. The dread started seeping in and a profile of one of the people I dated back then popped up. I’m not ignoring the universe’s signs anymore. My bestie told me it was time to delete it and I did 24 hours later.
Why do I think I’m ready to swipe or date or talk to people? Am I really oh so pressed? Or am I just entertaining my toxicity that sometimes comes out? Or maybe because I don’t know what to do with all the time I’ve created to just be and not do all the time? Whew. Rewiring my whole system is a journey. My healing era is shifting to an exploring one, and I’m gonna need more guidance here than ever. To my loved ones, I hope you’re ready for more opportunities to nurture and love on me.
In other news, I woke up at 4:45 am on Friday morning to book an 18-day trip to Thailand with queers from all over the world for January 2025, because what’s a better way to start the year than being with strangers and experiencing new things? Also, the last time I went to Thailand was in 2017 with my ex and I want to make new memories. Now, this kind of distraction and action when I’m bored I can f*ck with.
I love having disposable income, no kids, and creating myself. Here’s to more experiences to add on to my plot.
